In 2005, I attended a mission trip with my church from Phoenix to Altacomulco, Mexico, a town just north of Mexico City. The mission where we stayed and worked is owned by my former pastor's daughter and brother-in-law. It serves as both a school and a church for the surrounding towns. We held vacation Bible school, did some work on the grounds of the mission and taught a few English classes to some of the kids in the surrounding area. It was by far one of the most inspiring and life-changing events in my life.
I was thinking about that mission trip today when I was trying come up with something to write about in my blog. It got me wondering how many mission organizations target the border towns of the U.S.- Mexico border.
So, off I went to Google and there I found numerous arrays of different companies that will arrange mission trips to almost anywhere in Mexico. All of them were headed by Christian organizations, something that I found rather interesting. I didn't see any Jewish, Muslim or other religion outreach programs. Not that I am saying they don't exist, but none popped up.
After doing this search, I can understand why many people in Mexico would choose to convert to another denomination of Christianity, despite the fact that the main religion is Catholicism. With so many different organizations and ministries traveling to different regions to aid and preach, I think they find it new and exciting.
Here are some interesting links I found if you are interested!
Go Missions to Mexico
Global Frontier Missions
Mexico Mission Trip
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